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Act “FAST” Once You or a Loved One Suffers from a Stroke

Strokes and seizures impact brain activity in distinct ways. In the case of a stroke, usually, there is an interruption of the oxygen-rich blood circulation to the brain. When that happens, brain cell death begins almost immediately and cannot be recovered. Strokes can cause permanent impairments and disability, particularly without immediate medical intervention. Once a person has sustained a stroke, there is only a short period of time to reduce their risk of long-term disability or even death. That’s why it’s critical to BE FAST in the aftermath of a stroke, when every moment counts.

Symptoms of a Stroke

One of the most useful tools to determine if someone could possibly be having a stroke is the acronym BE FAST, which stands for:

  • Balance issues: The person may experience dizziness or problems maintaining their balance.
  • Eyes: Having blurry or double vision could indicate that the person is having a stroke.
  • Face drooping: One side of the face may droop from a stroke. Ask the person to smile, and see if the smile is lopsided, which is a sign of a stroke.
  • Arm weakness: Ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm is higher than the other, it could indicate a stroke.
  • Speech difficulties: If the person has difficulty speaking or understanding speech, it could indicate a stroke. Ask them to repeat a simple phrase, like “The weather is nice today.”

Are you unsure if you or someone else is having a stroke? Call 911 immediately to explain what has happened to the dispatcher so the emergency medical team is prepared upon the patient’s arrival at the hospital. Do not attempt to move a person who may have suffered a stroke or seizure, and do not give them medicine.

Our Emergency & Urgent Care Centers are open 24/7.