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When to Get Help for Blood Clots

Blood flows through the veins and delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Several problems can arise if the blood movement is interrupted in one way or another, like when blood clots form.

How Do Blood Clots Form?

A clot is a response to an injury or damage, like cuts and other wounds. They form a gel-like substance to stop the bleeding. The problem starts when the clot forms without reason in the vein and does not dissolve naturally.

The process is triggered when blood comes into contact with substances found in the skin or vessel walls. That is an indication the skin broke. That is imitated when cholesterol plaques break in the arteries. Most heart attacks happen because of this occurring near the heart or brain.

People at Risk of Blood Clots

There are people at a higher risk of developing blood clots. Those who are over the age of 65 years or recently had surgeries and other trauma could increase the chances of developing blood clots.

Other risk factors include:

  • Birth control pills
  • COVID-19
  • Current and past cancer patients
  • Inactive lifestyle
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking cigarettes

Symptoms of Blood Clots

The symptoms of blood clots primarily depend on the part of the body where they form. In the abdomen, it can cause the person to feel nauseated and vomit. Arms and legs can develop swelling and pain. Identifying this is the first step in blood clot treatment.

Blood clots forming near the lungs lead to breathing difficulties and coughing of blood. If it happens in the heart, the person will experience heart attack symptoms, including chest pains, sweating and pain traveling up and down the left arm.

A blood clot can also form in the brain, which causes a stroke. It can cause problems in speech, vision and movement on one side of the body.

Blood Clot Treatment

No matter where they form, blood clots are dangerous. A doctor will need to diagnose the situation using a variety of tests to determine the best treatment. That can include:

  1. Compression wear
  2. Medication
  3. Surgery

Different types of surgery are available for blood clot treatment, depending on the situation. Stents or vena cava filters are designed to help the body prevent clots from happening.

Natural ways to prevent blood clots are:

  • Avoiding cigarettes
  • Controlling medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

UF Health Can Provide Immediate Blood Clot Treatment

If you think a blood clot has developed in your body, visit any of our three Emergency & Urgent Care Centers in Jacksonville, Fla., to have it checked. We offer 24/7 medical support to assist you with blood clot treatment.